The Harmonic Ellipse

Sound & Light frequency wellness chamber

The Harmonic Ellipse is a elliptical resonance chamber that uses light and sound frequency through music and different coloured lights to better enable your body to heal itself. Made from specific materials and because of its specific geometric shape, the chamber optimally resonates to help realign your natural frequencies.

Light and frequency healing has been used for many ages all over the world, to help enable your body to heal itself. A misalignment of your own natural vibration may be at the root cause of a disease or discomfort, like chronic pains, sleeplessness, or stress.

The Harmonic Ellipse can help your body get back into alignment, reset your autonomous nervous system and enable you to heal yourself on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

How does it work?

Our bodies use electric signals to communicate between cells. When our bodies face illness or disease, these signals can become distorted or interrupted, leading to pain, inflammation, and other issues. The Harmonic Ellipse is designed to help your body by amplifying the positive signals and canceling out the negative signals. This empowers your cells to repair internal damage, promoting healing from the inside out. The device also includes light therapy to help realign your biological clock, balance your serotonin levels, increase alertness, and improve sleep.

The benefits

According to research, energy therapy can bring balance to the Autonomic Nervous System, eliminate toxins from the body, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and heal cellular-level trauma. Utilizing resonant frequencies, the Harmonic Ellipse can detect the vibration of your body and neutralize any existing imbalances.

The benefits can be experienced physically, spiritually and mentally.

The music

Every musical piece created for the Harmonic Ellipse is a product of careful curation. The artists and performers commissioned to create these albums for the Eggs worldwide have been chosen for their ability to produce high vibrational tracks. When an artist is in the studio, they set a high intention for all who will listen to their work. They match different instruments to the energy centers (chakras) of the body to create a harmonious and balanced experience for the listener.

The real magic happens when you listen to this music. Each track is custom-selected to align with the intention you set, and the instruments used are chosen to serve that purpose the most. The Egg's sacred geometric shape creates a frequency "loop" effect. As the resonant frequencies cascade in the Egg chamber, they reflect in a way that surrounds the listener with these tones. Furthermore, the golden mean ratio that the Egg is built on allows for an organic "echo" of waves to envelope the whole body and auric field.

The Light

LED lights are the best option currently available for achieving the full color spectrum, from reds to purples. They are also mercury-free, which means they don't emit any harmful substances like some other LED lights. Using safe lights is crucial! The wooden chamber acts as a Faraday cage, which means it doesn't emit any electromagnetic fields (EMFs). This has been tested using a tri-field tester. However, there could still be EMFs outside the Egg, in the room, or from the building or home, as is the case with any other building. The Harmonic Ellipse does not contain any toxic materials that could compromise the user’s health.

Elke keer verdwijnt mijn stress en kan ik volledig ontspannen. Ik kom dichter bij mezelf en ben bijzonder enthousiast!
Deze praktijk is een aanrader! mijn sessies in de Ellipse zijn elke keer anders en steeds een bijzondere ervaring!
A transformative journey with the Ellipse unveils extraordinary depths of conciousness and opportunity for self discovery
After my session i felt like a great nights sleep. Very focussed after and i played my best round of golf ever!
The experiences so far were amazing, very relaxing, soothing and i would recommend the Harmonic Ellipse to all.
I wholeheartedly recommend the Harmony Ellipse session to anyone seeking a natural approach to wellness
The experience is always very relaxing for me, I make sure to have a session once every 10 days to keep myself in balance
My sessions in the Harmonic Ellipse have helped me change my lifestile, rest more, stop drinking and drink more water
The ellipse is such a relief. No difficult talks, only me enjoying beautiful music while restoration takes place! WOW!

The Harmonic Ellipse by Resonate

Sound & light frequency wellness sessions

The Harmonic Ellipse is a unique elliptical shaped resonating chamber that is created to assist healing and wellness on a spiritual, physical and mental level using sound and light therapy.